Service Details
We have two Sunday services every week, at 9am and 11am.​
Address & Parking
Capstone is located at 763 Royal York Road, Etobicoke.
Note that there is additional parking in the school next door, or in the neighbourhood.
Capstone Kids (Sunday School)
Capstone Kids and nursery are available at both the 9am & 11am services, for infants up to grade 5. Kids usually begin in the service for the first couple songs, and then head to their classrooms. However, you'll need to check them in right as you arrive, using the check-in station by the welcome desk.
If you're new or visiting, you can save time by creating a profile here for you and your child/children. Otherwise, we can help you in person at the welcome desk on Sunday!
Watching Church Online
The live-stream of the service is available on the Capstone YouTube Channel. Click here for more information.
Have Questions about Capstone?
If you are looking for more information, you can fill out our Get Connected Form.