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Our Vision
We look forward to the day when every person in our city has a daily encounter with Jesus in word and deed.
Habakkuk 2:14 describes a day when “the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea.”
Can you imagine a day when people everywhere have the opportunity to see and experience what God is really like. What might this look like in our neighbourhoods, work places, schools, and communities?
At Capstone, we believe that this vision is accomplished through Jesus, the Head of the Church, as he fills his Body with his presence in every place where we live, work, learn, and play.
Our Mission
Following Jesus together to become more like him and participate in his everyday mission.
When Jesus called his first disciples to follow him, he invited them into a journey of relationship, transformation, and mission.
These interrelated themes offer us a wholistic picture of discipleship as the ongoing journey of following Jesus together to become more like him and participate in his mission.
We believe that responding to Jesus’ call to discipleship in the everyday stuff of life is the way to realize our vision.
Our Core Rhythms & Statement of Faith
Biblical Reflection
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